Petty Cash Policies and Procedures of garments


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1.1       POLICY ………………………………………………………………        1.2       DEFINITION………………………………………………………….        1.3       OBJECTIVES………………………………………………………….       1.4       CASH TRANSACTION PRINCIPLES……………………………….       1.5       PROHIBITED PURCHASES/USAGES OF FUNDS…………………       2.1       AUTHORIZATION LEVEL…………………………………………..       2.2       IMP REST LIMIT………………………………………………………      2.3       ESTABLISHMENT/EXECUTION……………………………………      2.4       REPLENISHING THE PETTY CASH FUND………………………..       3.1       SAFEGUARDING THE PETTY CASH FUND……………………...        4.1       CHANGEOFCUSTODIAN……………………………………………    


1.1              POLICY

Petty cash funds established to settle irregular small or emergency cash purchases on the basis of demonstrated need. It is to be used only for the acquisition of those unanticipated items and regular minor expenditure cash payment.

1.2              DIFINITION

Petty cash funds are revolving impest accounts that are used to make small or emergency purchases/ expenditure to avoid the inconvenience for safe guarding and dispensing cash fund.

1.3       OBJECTIVES

a)      The objectives of this Petty Cash Policy is to ensure that all entities when the group are enjoying efficient cash payment, avoid misuse of petty cash and ultimately contributed in expenditure control.
b)      The purpose of this policy is to establish the authority, standard procedure, regardless and effective internal administrative control of cash transactions.


a)      Justification of expenditure
b)      Efficient Purchase
c)      Optimization of quality and price
d)      Transparent transaction.
e)      Ensure expenditure budget limit.


No item should be handled as a petty cash item that can be readily secured through normal procurement channels on credits. An item that would no t ordinarily be purchased by the Purchasing Department as an acceptable item for expenditure is also prohibited from being purchased through petty cash funds. The fund custodian, procurement manager and CFO carefully monitor purchase with petty cash funds since these purchases bypass the Purchasing Department’s control over procurement.

The following items will not be reimbursed from petty cash:
(Note: List is not all- inclusive)
 ● Single purchases in excess of Tk. 5000/-
 ● Equipment of any kind
 ● Payment to an individual for services rendered
 ● Software
 ● No IOUs for cashing personal checks
 ● Items purchased more than 30 days prior to request for reimbursement
 Custodians neither should nor use personal funds in- lieu of petty cash.


a)      Head office/ Factory/ Ctg Zone-All petty cash expenditure should notify to H.O before making any payment. Unit In-charge/ GM will authorize the expenditure with proper justification (if required)
b)      CFO will review the expenditure and approve.
c)      Any sort of financial approval made by CFO will intimate to Vice CEO/Executive Director .
d)      On receipt of approval from CFO, payment may be made on the availability of cash with custodian.

2.2              IMP REST LIMIT

The company will maintain 3 Floats in 3 different locations
a)      H.O. Float-tk.75,000/-
b)      DEPZ Float-Tk.100,000/-
c)      CEPZ Float-Tk.50,000/-

Al together Float Amount Tk.2,25,000/- on the basis of imprest


Establishment of a petty cash fund or increases to existing funds may be requested by custodian through Sr. Finance Manager to CFO. Final approval will be given by Vice CEO/ Executive Director

Petty cash payment will be made twice a day within specified timings . Proper schedule can be established as per requirement of Cost center.


a)      Float limit is to be split in to two part 80% & 20%. Petty cash fund may be reimbursed as frequently as required when it balances exceeds 80% limit. Maximum 20% is to be kept for emergency expenditure during lead time. Replenishment is to be made in 24 hrs at max.

b)      Petty cash expenditure statement is to be counter signed by Sr. Finance Manager & CFO as well.

c)      All petty cash funds must be reimbursed at fiscal year end (prior to June 30) in order to charge expenditures to the proper accounting period.


Petty cash funds and supporting documents (receipts) must be kept in a safe location (i.e., locked up in a safe, vault, or desk drawer) and must not be commingled with any other funds. The fund should be verified and reconciled on daily basis.

Petty cash status has to be counter signed by GM/CFO level in place.
Any in fortunate, incident; Admin GM will be in touch for further inquiry/ action.
Petty cash funds may be audited (unannounced) at random times throughout the year by the office of internal audit and / or the office of state auditor. Persons declaring themselves as authorized to conduct an audit must be identified before funds or records are relinquished. The custodian should remain with the auditors at all times to observe the counting of petty cash form prepared by the office of internal audit. At June’30 of each year, each custodian will be requested by letter to confirm the amount of the fund in his/her possession


a)      The cashier/ executive (cash) will modify to CFO by a memorandum in case of temporary changes (not less than a week) of custodian.
b)      A “cash handing over note” to be prepare with currency details duly signed by both(existing & new custodian)
c)      Cash handing over note should counter signed by CFO
d)      In case of permanent changes. Step#2 &3 to be followed.
e)      The fund custodian must ensure that the fund is replenished before it is turned over to a new custodian. Unauthorized transfer of custody between employees is not permitted and may result in disciplinary action.

Cash Handing Over Note

Petty cash Float Amount: _______________            Physical cash: _________________

                                                                                    IOU slip: ______________No____

                                                                                    Physical Currency Details:

1000    x
                                                                                    500      x
                                                                                    100      x
                                                                                    50        x
                                                                                    20        x
                                                                                    10        x
                                                                                    5          x
                                                                                    2          x
                                                                                    1          x

Handed over by:_______________________            Taken over by: _________________

Signature :                                                                   Signature :

Counter Signed By _____________________          ___________________
Sr. Finance Manager                                                   CFO

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