Denim washes standard operating procedure (SOP)


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Aims to set the processes from fabric to final packing to ensure to achieve consistent shades as per buyer requirements in Acid/Heavy Denim Washes.
This procedure covers one of the activities of Fabric, Cutting, Sewing, Washing Finishing & Packing.
This procedure is being controlled by the Fabric, Cutting, Sewing, Washing, Finishing & Quality Managers/heads.
Execution and maintenance of this procedure lies on the Fabric Quality, Cutting Team, Sewing Team, Washing Team & Finishing Team.
Fabric Processes

Step 1 Blanket Making – Responsible -Fabric Quality 

  • Supplier to provide 100% Roll wise shade details.
  • Cutting 40” from each roll
  • Segregate the head cutting as per supplier’s shades
  • Follow supplier’s shade information -One Blanket one shade. No random attaching. Every panels to have roll details along with supplier shade info.
  • Minimum 4 sets of Blankets to be made. Make 2 sets of Blanket first. Balance sets keep as panel form. If Required, make additional sets

Step 2 Blanket Reviewing  Responsible – Quality Head/Fabric Quality/Washing Head/Tech & RQS/GPQ

  • Buyer Wash standard or Approved C/S a must prior to blanket washing.
  • Wash 2 sets of Blankets first following Wash standard/Approved Sample. 
Blanket review
  • Washing team to review the Blankets along with Quality and GPQ/RQS Team
  • Blankets reviewed for shade consistency – Supplier’s quoted Shade must be consistent after wash (before wash “A” Shade Blankets must be consistent after wash). Rise the concern if shades not consistent after wash.
  • After wash shades reviewed against approved standard and shades matching within the range of approved standard been identified as APPROVED SHADES ROLLS and entered pro-cut. Recipe fixed for Approved shades.

Step 3 – OFF Shade Rolls –

Trials -Responsible -Wash Team
Intimate Suppliers – Responsible – SCM
Involving Buyers if Trails fails – Marketing Team

  • Rolls those are too much off from the standard considered as OFF SHADES ROLLS and a mail send to concern fabric Mills for Off Shade Rolls by keeping SCM/Marketing Team in CC.
  • Meantime, washing team to do trials and try to achieve the standard. If trails OK, fix the recipe as per trail.
  • If Trails NOT OK, review the trials with Fabric supplier for further improvements/Trials.
  • If Trails with supplier team fail meet the buyer with our trials for guidance.
  • OFF SHADE Rolls -Only Buyer can approve to proceed further.

  • Based on wash blanket review and trials, Recipe wise shades fixed.
  • Special Recipe shades should be identified with kimbal/string so that these garments washed with special recipe
  • Shade bands approval in Leg Form where applicable 
  • Leg Panels made from the shade family grouping – 5 sets from each shade group
  • These leg forms washed using the complete wash process as per buyer approval.
  • Shade bands submitted in leg form and get buyer approval prior to bulk cutting or bulk washing
Initial/Pilot/1st Bulk:
  • 300 pcs or as required by washing team for bulk washing to be cut.
  • Shade band approval in garment form (Cutting number 99) – one or 2 layers from each shade should be included in initial bulk cutting. (Minimum 8 to 10 pcs per shade grouping) This should be marked properly and identified properly from cutting to washing to get shade bands approval in garment form from buyer.
  • Washing team who involved in blanket wash to be involved in 1st bulk garment wash.
  • 1st Bulk Washed garments to be reviewed with all concern and recipe to be finalized for bulk.

Shade Control at Cutting: 

  • Cut Plan-Cut Plan to be Shade, Shrinkage & Width wise.
  • Cutting must be shade wise, mix shade not allowed in one cutting. If shades are more, must use separate sheet and bundling done separately to avoid any shade mix up.
  • Shade wise cutting to be issued sewing floor.
  • Cutting Number should have Shade code.. Example 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=D.
  • Cut Bundles to have shade name.

Shade Control at Sewing:

  • Shade wise line feeding.
  • Hangers identified with shade numbers.
  • Shade numbers to be attached on garment as one of the first process while feeding the line..
  • QC Passed Output garments segregated shade wise
  • Special Recipe shades should be identified with kimbal/string so that these garments washed with special recipe.
  • Shade wise garments identified in a bag or trolley and passed to Washing.

Shade Control at Washing:

  • Washing receiving team accept the sewn garments only shade wise
  • Garments to be washed based on Shade using the recipe fixed during blanket or leg form washing.
  • Washing Quality to check 100% for washing shade
  • Every wash lots been audited by independent Auditor Team for Shade & Measurements
  • Only shade OK garments passed to Finishing.
  • Off shade garments must be reworked.
  • Need to get more shade range approval from buyer if required.
  • Daily washing quality report shared on rework.

Shade control at Finishing/Packing:

  • Finishing 1st process to check the washed garments against approved shade & only approved shade garments passed to finishing process
  • Dedicated shade segregation team-to ensures passed garments packed as per buyer requirements – One Country one shade or one shade one carton, etc
  • Independent hourly carton audit to ensure that only approved shades/same shades packed as per buyer requirement.
  • GPQ/RQS/NQC teams to check the packed cartons for shade control as per buyer requirements regularly to avoid any possible inline/pre-final & final inspection failure.
we hope this will help you to know about Denim washes standard operating procedure

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