Final control standard operating procedure (SOP) for QA


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Collect PO sheet and packing list which PO needs to be inspected.


Match Packing List with PO sheet whether order quantity is OK or not. Select sample cartons by following formula of √ of Total Carton Quantity then select size wise sample carton by following formula – (sample carton * total carton of the size) / total carton quantity. If size 8 and sample carton come 6 than we must pick 8 cartons to see all sizes carton goods.

Select garments sample quantity by following Inspection Level S4, then see what is sample quantity of level S4. Then select sample quantity by following formula – (sample quantity * total quantity of the size) / order quantity.

Go to finished goods area. Find out the order carton. Count all the carton & match with packing list. Whether all size wise carton quantity available there or not. If quantity ready with attached SHU sticker than pick sample carton which already planned. Sign the sample carton. Scan the cartons with RFID Machine.

Check GTD, (check carton Dimension shipping mark, article, model, deliver county by P.O sheet).
Check folding is ok or not by folding approval. 

Check Lab test of the Iman and model to see whether it is pass or fail. If pass then proceed for inspection. Compare the garments with Master Sample, Teck Pack (BOM) and approved trim card.
 (Took 1 pc garment from sampling quantity and compare with Master Sample & Tech Pack. During inspection compare garments with Master Sample Randomly).
Verify the goods with buyer comments.

Measure the garments (fundamental ∆ : check 2 pcs per sizes or 3 pcs if order quantity over 35000 pcs. If measurement is NOK take 5 more pieces for that size to measure and if found 1 pc NOK order result will be rejected).
(Non – fundamental: check 1 pc per size or 3 pcs if order quantity over 35000 pcs. If measurement is NOK take 5 more pieces for that size to measure and if found 2 pcs NOK order result will be rejected).

Check the global appearance of the product and…

  • No holes

  • Uncut threads

  • Puckering

  • Stains

  • Jumped stitch

  • Snagging effect

  • Yellowing spot

  • Dyeing stripes

Any defect is MAJOR if visible from 1 meter except hole which is visible from 30 cm.

Check marking, zipper, workmanship, bartack conformity, all accessories, check snap and hook loop 5 times.
Check all functional & hanging component.

Keep confirmed goods on Green Basket. Non-confirmed goods on Red Basket with clear identification and note the defects on Control Plan.


Take decision for Major and Minor with the help of DCS (Decathlon Control Standard), DCL (Defects Classification Log), DPR (Decathlon Production Requirement) and Control Plan.


Make report as per AQL (Inspection Level S4 for General & Visual, for Functional & Non-Destructive S2 and for major & minor 2.5 and 6.5 respectively.)


If defects under acceptable level order result will be accepted and if defects reach the limit of acceptable level or more order result will be rejected.

Call the concern persons debrief them defects, give him report and ask to make a cap if order is rejected. In case of reject PO full quantity must be rechecked and reoffered for Final Control.

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